The Seed Cleaning Plants in Flagstaff County and Beaver County are pleased to announce we…
PENWEST SEEDS – Seed Available Now 2019/20
PENWEST SEEDS second year bringing seed to the Lougheed Seed Plant allowing farmers in Flagstaff County and surrounding areas access to new pedigreed seed varieties that will work best for your farming needs.
PENWEST SEEDS: Varieties Available
AAC Brandon: Wheat – CWRS
AAC Brandon is an awned, semi-dwarf CWRS variety that when compared to AC® Carberry has +5% grain yield, 0.5 days earlier maturity, 1 cm shorter and similar lodging, tolerance and disease resistance. AAC Brandon is well adapted across western Canada but will be especially attractive to wheat producers in the high yielding areas of the Prairies who desire a short, strong strawed variety with good FHB resistance.
Parentage: Superb/CDC Osler//ND744
• Grain yield 105% of AC® Carberry, over all sites in 2009 to 2011 Coop Registration trials
• Height 1 cm shorter than AC® Carberry
• Lodging resistance similar to AC® Carberry (slightly weaker)
• Good leaf and stem rust resistance
• Good stripe rust resistance (2 years data)
• “Good” rating for fusarium head blight resistance
• Large seed size, similar to Superb
• ½ day earlier maturing compared to AC® Carberry
AAC Brandon $12.50/Bushel
AAC Redberry: Wheat – CWRS
AAC Redberry is a very early maturing, good standing, high protein CWRS. It has shown very high yields across all prairie production zones from the heat driven south, right up through the parkland regions.
- Very High grain Yield, 15 % Higher than checks, 8% more than Carberry, 4% higher than Unity including Parkland zones; unique for a semi dwarf
- Good Protein Retention
- 3 days earlier maturing
- Strong Disease package including resistance to stem and leaf rust, stripe rust
- Similar FHB to Carberry with lower Don.
AAC Redberry $12.50/Bushel
AAC Synergy: Barley – Two Row Malting
AAC Synergy is a 2-Row Malting Barley widely adapted to all barley growing regions of Western Canada. This variety is performing well with maltsters and quickly gaining interest in the market.
Description: AAC Synergy is agronomically superior to today’s malting barley standards. AAC Synergy is a top yielding variety that produces heavy, plump kernels and has strong straw with good resistance to lodging. It is a medium maturity variety with good foliar disease resistance and excellent malting qualities.
As such, AAC Synergy is a great option for Western Canadian barley producers and the malting and brewing industry.
End Use Quality: AAC Synergy has a desirable malting quality profile with higher malt extract than AC Metcalfe and CDC Copeland, as well as consistently lower beta-glucan content and viscosity.
Disease Tolerance:
• Resistant to spotted net blotch
• Moderately resistant to net blotch, spot blotch, stem rust
• Intermediately resistant to common root rot and surface borne smuts Moderately susceptible to Fusarium head blight
• Susceptible to loose smut, scald and Septoria
• Similar to AC Metcalfe
• -1.0 lower than AC Metcalfe
• 2% higher (6/64)
Test Weight
• Similar to AC Metcalfe
• Slightly shorter than AC Metcalfe, 5 cm shorter than CDC Copeland
• 15-20% higher than AC Metcalfe
• 9-13 % higher than CDC Copeland
AAC Synergy $12.50/Bushel
AAC Carver: Yellow Peas
- A field pea suited to every area and situation
- Very good yields
- Early maturity
- Large seed size
Maturity: Early
Lodging: Very Good
Vine Length: Short
AAC Carver $14.00/Bushel
Please contact us at:
Lougheed Co-op Seed Cleaning Plant
Ph: 780-386-3771
Ph: 403-443-2577
To book your order today.
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